Senin, 25 Oktober 2010
Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010
penyimpangan seksual
Penyimpangan seksual
* adalah aktivitas seksual yang ditempuh seseorang untuk mendapatkan kenikmatan seksual dengan tidak sewajarnya.
* macam-macam bentuk penyimpangan seksual, antara lain:
o Homoseksual adalah penyimpangan seksual di mana seseorang menyukai ornag lain sesama jenis. Pada laki-laki disebut gay dan pada wanita disebut lesbian / lesbi.
o Sadomasokisme adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang mendapat kenikmatan seks setelah menyakiti pasangan seksnya.
o Masokisme adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang menikmati seks jika terlebih dahulu disiksa oleh pasangannya.
o Ekshibisionisme adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang senang memperlihatkan alat vital / alat kelamin kepada orang lain. Penderita penyimpangan seksual ini akan suka dan terangsang jika orang lain takjub, terkejut, takut, jijik, dan lain sebagainya.
o Fetishisme adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang suka menyalurkan kepuasan seksnya dengan cara onani / masturbasi dengan benda-benda mati seperti gaun, bando, selendang sutra, bh, celana dalam, kaus kaki, atau benda lain yang dapat meningkatkan hasrat atau dorongan seksual.
o Voyeurisme adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang mendapatkan kepuasan seksual dengan melihat atau mengintip orang lain yang sedang melakukan hubungan suami isteri (Scoptophilia), sedang telanjang, sedang mandi, dan sebagainya.
o Pedophilia adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang suka melakukan hubungan seks / kontak fisik yang merangsang dengan anak di bawah umur –belum baligh-.
o Gerontophilia adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang suka melakukan hubungan seksual dengan orang usia lanjut (nenek2 / kakek2).
o Bestially adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang suka melakukan hubungan seks dengan binatang seperti kambing, kerbau, sapi, kuda, ayam, bebek, anjing, kucing, dan lain sebagainya.
o Zoofilia adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang senang dan terangsang melihat hewan melakukan hubungan seks dengan hewan.
o Incest adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang suka melakukan hubungan seks dengan sesama anggota keluarga sendiri non suami istri seperti antara ayah dan anak perempuan dan ibu dengan anak cowok.
o Necrophilia adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang suka melakukan hubungan seks dengan orang yang sudah menjadi mayat / orang mati.
o Sodomi adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seorang pria yang suka berhubungan seks melalui dubur pasangan seks baik pasangan sesama jenis (homo) maupun dengan pasangan perempuan.
o Frotteurisme adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang laki-laki mendapatkan kepuasan seks dengan jalan menggesek-gesek / menggosok-gosok alat kelaminnya ke tubuh perempuan di tempat publik / umum seperti di kereta, pesawat, bis, dll.
* penyebab penyimpangan perilaku seksual adalah :
1. Genetik
2. Traumatik
3. Pola asuh yang salah
4. Lingkungan
5. Teman dekat
6. Film
7. Explorasi
* adalah aktivitas seksual yang ditempuh seseorang untuk mendapatkan kenikmatan seksual dengan tidak sewajarnya.
* macam-macam bentuk penyimpangan seksual, antara lain:
o Homoseksual adalah penyimpangan seksual di mana seseorang menyukai ornag lain sesama jenis. Pada laki-laki disebut gay dan pada wanita disebut lesbian / lesbi.
o Sadomasokisme adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang mendapat kenikmatan seks setelah menyakiti pasangan seksnya.
o Masokisme adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang menikmati seks jika terlebih dahulu disiksa oleh pasangannya.
o Ekshibisionisme adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang senang memperlihatkan alat vital / alat kelamin kepada orang lain. Penderita penyimpangan seksual ini akan suka dan terangsang jika orang lain takjub, terkejut, takut, jijik, dan lain sebagainya.
o Fetishisme adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang suka menyalurkan kepuasan seksnya dengan cara onani / masturbasi dengan benda-benda mati seperti gaun, bando, selendang sutra, bh, celana dalam, kaus kaki, atau benda lain yang dapat meningkatkan hasrat atau dorongan seksual.
o Voyeurisme adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang mendapatkan kepuasan seksual dengan melihat atau mengintip orang lain yang sedang melakukan hubungan suami isteri (Scoptophilia), sedang telanjang, sedang mandi, dan sebagainya.
o Pedophilia adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang suka melakukan hubungan seks / kontak fisik yang merangsang dengan anak di bawah umur –belum baligh-.
o Gerontophilia adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang suka melakukan hubungan seksual dengan orang usia lanjut (nenek2 / kakek2).
o Bestially adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang suka melakukan hubungan seks dengan binatang seperti kambing, kerbau, sapi, kuda, ayam, bebek, anjing, kucing, dan lain sebagainya.
o Zoofilia adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang senang dan terangsang melihat hewan melakukan hubungan seks dengan hewan.
o Incest adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang suka melakukan hubungan seks dengan sesama anggota keluarga sendiri non suami istri seperti antara ayah dan anak perempuan dan ibu dengan anak cowok.
o Necrophilia adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang suka melakukan hubungan seks dengan orang yang sudah menjadi mayat / orang mati.
o Sodomi adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seorang pria yang suka berhubungan seks melalui dubur pasangan seks baik pasangan sesama jenis (homo) maupun dengan pasangan perempuan.
o Frotteurisme adalah penyimpangan seksual dimana seseorang laki-laki mendapatkan kepuasan seks dengan jalan menggesek-gesek / menggosok-gosok alat kelaminnya ke tubuh perempuan di tempat publik / umum seperti di kereta, pesawat, bis, dll.
* penyebab penyimpangan perilaku seksual adalah :
1. Genetik
2. Traumatik
3. Pola asuh yang salah
4. Lingkungan
5. Teman dekat
6. Film
7. Explorasi
Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010
what is baloon phobia?
What is Baloon Phobia?
Balloon phobia is usually concerned with the sudden, loud noise that a balloon makes when it bursts. It is not uncommon for children to be fearful of bursting balloons, often accompanying phobia of other sudden, loud noises such as those made by fireworks, guns or thunder.
Treatment of Baloon Phobia
A young man aged twenty-three years had suffered from balloon phobia since early childhood when a balloon had been burst in his face at a children's party. He was treated by flooding (exposure) therapy and was cured after three fairly intensive sessions and was thereafter able to happily enjoy social events such as parties where balloons were present.
Balloon phobia is usually concerned with the sudden, loud noise that a balloon makes when it bursts. It is not uncommon for children to be fearful of bursting balloons, often accompanying phobia of other sudden, loud noises such as those made by fireworks, guns or thunder.
Treatment of Baloon Phobia
A young man aged twenty-three years had suffered from balloon phobia since early childhood when a balloon had been burst in his face at a children's party. He was treated by flooding (exposure) therapy and was cured after three fairly intensive sessions and was thereafter able to happily enjoy social events such as parties where balloons were present.
phobia, which way to go?
Which way to go ?
The route you take to overcome the phobia depends to a large extent on how general or how specific it is - but there are no hard-and-fast rules - you should decide what is most appropriate for you. Please notice that I did NOT say that you should chose to take the options that seem to be the easy ones - some procedures can work very well and in a short time, particularly where you only have a simple phobia, but other methods can take some time to achieve results with a more complex phobia. Trying a number of different things to see if they have an effect can also be very worthwhile.
If you have nothing else which is linked to your fear of balloons popping then by all means look around the rest of the site to see if there's anything else you would consider doing which might help, but it's possible that you can overcome the fear of balloons popping by following some of the suggestions on this site whether on your own or with the help of a group or professional therapy. A good place to start would be the section of ideas for the SIMPLE phobia.
If there are some additional anxieties which are related to the fear of balloons bursting, then you'll probably need to take further advice - by all means use any of the suggestions on this site - but they should be complemented by professional help in whatever form you feel is appropriate. If you have several phobias then you are likely to benefit from professional advice, but check out the ideas in both simple and COMPLEX sections.
If you are using some of the suggestions from this site to help with the balloon popping phobia then make sure that the people who are helping you with other areas of your life know about the phobia and what you are doing about it. There may be links between this phobia and other problems which you don't realize exist, and a good therapist will be able to understand them and provide appropriate help.
The route you take to overcome the phobia depends to a large extent on how general or how specific it is - but there are no hard-and-fast rules - you should decide what is most appropriate for you. Please notice that I did NOT say that you should chose to take the options that seem to be the easy ones - some procedures can work very well and in a short time, particularly where you only have a simple phobia, but other methods can take some time to achieve results with a more complex phobia. Trying a number of different things to see if they have an effect can also be very worthwhile.
If you have nothing else which is linked to your fear of balloons popping then by all means look around the rest of the site to see if there's anything else you would consider doing which might help, but it's possible that you can overcome the fear of balloons popping by following some of the suggestions on this site whether on your own or with the help of a group or professional therapy. A good place to start would be the section of ideas for the SIMPLE phobia.
If there are some additional anxieties which are related to the fear of balloons bursting, then you'll probably need to take further advice - by all means use any of the suggestions on this site - but they should be complemented by professional help in whatever form you feel is appropriate. If you have several phobias then you are likely to benefit from professional advice, but check out the ideas in both simple and COMPLEX sections.
If you are using some of the suggestions from this site to help with the balloon popping phobia then make sure that the people who are helping you with other areas of your life know about the phobia and what you are doing about it. There may be links between this phobia and other problems which you don't realize exist, and a good therapist will be able to understand them and provide appropriate help.
specific or general?
Specific or general ?
A phobia can be a fear of just one specific thing, or it can be a fear of a large number of things of a similar type, or something in between. For example, a fear of flying is a SPECIFIC phobia, sometimes called a SIMPLE phobia - it normally only has any relevance when the sufferer is faced with the need to fly. There are a variety of GENERAL or COMPLEX phobias such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia and Social Phobia, and these affect people for a significant proportion of their lives.
The first step to dealing with a fear of balloons bursting is to answer the question " is it a SPECIFIC or a GENERAL phobia, or something in between ". In order to answer this, you need to be aware of any fears that are RELATED to the worry about balloons bursting - commonly, people with a balloon popping phobia are also very anxious in situations where ANY unexpected explosion could happen - this is a MORE GENERAL phobia - anxiety which includes quieter sounds that occur suddenly can indicate that the phobia is even more general.
It's important to note that it is the fear of the POSSIBILITY OF an explosive sound that is a phobia - not the REACTION TO it - most of us 'jump' at an unexpected bang but recover our wits quite quickly, and that is a normal reaction, not a phobia. A phobic person will become very anxious in a situation where there is chance that an explosion will take place, or in a situation where an explosion will take place but it is not known when it will happen.
There is another reaction which is often related to the balloon popping phobia where the 'jump' causes a high level of anxiety and recovering from the shock takes longer and anticipation of a further surprise can be upsetting. This can be called 'exaggerated startle response' and can respond to the same methods as those used to relieve the phobia.
A phobia can be a fear of just one specific thing, or it can be a fear of a large number of things of a similar type, or something in between. For example, a fear of flying is a SPECIFIC phobia, sometimes called a SIMPLE phobia - it normally only has any relevance when the sufferer is faced with the need to fly. There are a variety of GENERAL or COMPLEX phobias such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia and Social Phobia, and these affect people for a significant proportion of their lives.
The first step to dealing with a fear of balloons bursting is to answer the question " is it a SPECIFIC or a GENERAL phobia, or something in between ". In order to answer this, you need to be aware of any fears that are RELATED to the worry about balloons bursting - commonly, people with a balloon popping phobia are also very anxious in situations where ANY unexpected explosion could happen - this is a MORE GENERAL phobia - anxiety which includes quieter sounds that occur suddenly can indicate that the phobia is even more general.
It's important to note that it is the fear of the POSSIBILITY OF an explosive sound that is a phobia - not the REACTION TO it - most of us 'jump' at an unexpected bang but recover our wits quite quickly, and that is a normal reaction, not a phobia. A phobic person will become very anxious in a situation where there is chance that an explosion will take place, or in a situation where an explosion will take place but it is not known when it will happen.
There is another reaction which is often related to the balloon popping phobia where the 'jump' causes a high level of anxiety and recovering from the shock takes longer and anticipation of a further surprise can be upsetting. This can be called 'exaggerated startle response' and can respond to the same methods as those used to relieve the phobia.
what type of phobia is it?
What type of phobia is it ?
You've got to this page so I'm going to presume that you don't like or can't stand to hear balloons being burst or even avoid being in a situation where that may happen. So what are you going to do about it ? You could continue to live with it of course, but I'm sure you would prefer to be more comfortable with balloons around.
Phobias come in all shapes and sizes and it is very important for you to be able to try to define the kind of phobia you have because that directly affects your choice of methods to use so that you can start to overcome it. I will talk about these methods in a later page, but be aware that it's very easy to get nowhere with this if you don't match up the cure with the actual problem - like anything else - it's difficult to fix something when you don't know in detail what is wrong.
Balloon popping phobia can have many different aspects, so a single discipline, such as psychology, is unlikely to have all the answers - sometimes the best we can do is to have some idea of how little we know. I can't claim to be an expert - but then I haven't found any experts in this particular field, so the advice and information in these pages will be, by definition, incomplete, but I will be as helpful as I can be, and I will add and change these pages in response to feedback and further study - at the very least, you should find some ideas that will help you on your way.
You've got to this page so I'm going to presume that you don't like or can't stand to hear balloons being burst or even avoid being in a situation where that may happen. So what are you going to do about it ? You could continue to live with it of course, but I'm sure you would prefer to be more comfortable with balloons around.
Phobias come in all shapes and sizes and it is very important for you to be able to try to define the kind of phobia you have because that directly affects your choice of methods to use so that you can start to overcome it. I will talk about these methods in a later page, but be aware that it's very easy to get nowhere with this if you don't match up the cure with the actual problem - like anything else - it's difficult to fix something when you don't know in detail what is wrong.
Balloon popping phobia can have many different aspects, so a single discipline, such as psychology, is unlikely to have all the answers - sometimes the best we can do is to have some idea of how little we know. I can't claim to be an expert - but then I haven't found any experts in this particular field, so the advice and information in these pages will be, by definition, incomplete, but I will be as helpful as I can be, and I will add and change these pages in response to feedback and further study - at the very least, you should find some ideas that will help you on your way.
In vivo flooding was used to treat an intense fear of balloons (noise) in a college-aged man. Behavioral and self-report measures of fear and avoidance indicated that (a) the subject avoided all situations in which he might encounter balloons, (b) he reported that the fear caused him considerable distress, and (c) he could approach no closer than 4 feet from a balloon with intense fear during a behavioral avoidance test prior to treatment. Three sessions of flooding conducted on 3 consecutive days involved exposure to and participation in the popping of hundreds of balloons. Following the three flooding sessions, the subject showed no avoidance behavior and reported almost no subjective distress in the presence of balloons. Furthermore, the subject stopped avoiding situations in which he might encounter balloons and reported no further distress in his life related to balloons.
A phobia (from the Greek : φόβος , phóbos , meaning "fear" or "morbid fear") is an irrational, intense and persistent fear of certain situations, activities, things, animals, or people. Sebuah fobia (dari bahasa Yunani : φόβος, Phobos, yang berarti "rasa takut" atau "takut mengerikan") adalah irasional, intens dan terus-menerus takut kegiatan situasi tertentu,, benda, binatang, atau orang. The main symptom of this disorder is the excessive and unreasonable desire to avoid the feared stimulus. Gejala utama dari gangguan adalah keinginan yang berlebihan dan tidak masuk akal untuk menghindari stimulus ditakuti. When the fear is beyond one's control, and if the fear is interfering with daily life, then a diagnosis under one of the anxiety disorders can be made. [ 1 ] Ketika ketakutan di luar itu kontrol satu, dan jika yang dikhawatirkan adalah mengganggu kehidupan sehari-hari, maka diagnosis di bawah salah satu gangguan kecemasan dapat dibuat. [1]
This is caused by what are called, neutral, unconditioned, and conditioned stimuli, which trigger either conditioned or unconditioned responses. Hal ini disebabkan oleh apa yang disebut, stimulus netral, tidak berkondisi, dan dikondisikan, yang memicu berkondisi baik AC atau tanggapan. An example would be a person who was attacked by a dog (the unconditioned stimulus) would respond with an unconditioned response. Sebuah contoh akan menjadi orang yang diserang oleh anjing (stimulus berkondisi) akan merespon dengan respon bersyarat. When this happens, the unconditioned stimulus of them being attacked by the dog would become conditioned, and to this now conditioned stimulus, they would develop a conditioned response. Ketika ini terjadi, stimulus berkondisi dari mereka diserang oleh anjing akan menjadi AC, dan sekarang ini stimulus dikondisikan, mereka akan mengembangkan respon terkondisi. If the occurrence had enough of an impact on this certain person then they would develop a fear of that dog, or in some cases, an irrational fear of all dogs. [ citation needed ] Jika kejadian itu cukup berdampak pada orang tertentu maka mereka akan mengembangkan takut anjing itu, atau dalam beberapa kasus, ketakutan irasional dari semua anjing [. rujukan? ]
Phobias are a common form of anxiety disorders . Fobia adalah bentuk umum dari gangguan kecemasan . An American study by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) found that between 8.7% and 18.1% of Americans suffer from phobias. [ 2 ] Broken down by age and gender, the study found that phobias were the most common mental illness among women in all age groups and the second most common illness among men older than 25. Seorang Amerika studi oleh Institut Kesehatan Mental Nasional (NIMH) menemukan bahwa antara 8,7% dan 18,1% orang Amerika menderita fobia. [2] Broken bawah umur dan jenis kelamin, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa fobia adalah yang paling umum penyakit mental di kalangan wanita di semua kelompok usia dan penyakit yang paling umum kedua di antara pria yang lebih tua dari 25.
Phobias are not generally diagnosed if they are not particularly distressing to the patient and if they are not frequently encountered. Fobia umumnya tidak didiagnosis jika mereka tidak terlalu menyedihkan kepada pasien dan jika mereka tidak sering dijumpai. If a phobia is defined as "impairing to the individual", then it will be treated after being measured in context by the degree of severity. Jika fobia didefinisikan sebagai "merusak kepada individu", maka akan diperlakukan setelah diukur dalam konteks oleh derajat keparahan. A large percent of the American population is afraid of public speaking, which could range from mild uncomfortability, to an intense anxiety that inhibits all social involvement. [ citation needed ] Sebuah persen besar penduduk Amerika takut berbicara di depan umum, yang dapat berkisar dari ketidaknyamanan ringan, untuk suatu kecemasan yang intens yang menghambat semua keterlibatan sosial. [ rujukan? ]
Phobias are generally caused by an event recorded by the amygdala and hippocampus and labeled as deadly or dangerous; thus whenever a specific situation is approached again the body reacts as if the event were happening repeatedly afterward. Fobia umumnya disebabkan oleh suatu peristiwa yang dicatat oleh amigdala dan hipokampus dan dicap sebagai mematikan atau berbahaya, sehingga setiap kali situasi spesifik didekati lagi tubuh bereaksi seolah-olah peristiwa itu terjadi berulang kali setelahnya. Treatment comes in some way or another as a replacing of the memory and reaction to the previous event perceived as deadly with something more realistic and based more rationally. Pengobatan datang dalam beberapa cara atau lain sebagai mengganti memori dan reaksi terhadap acara sebelumnya dianggap sebagai mematikan dengan sesuatu yang lebih realistis dan lebih didasarkan rasional. In reality most phobias are irrational, in the sense that they are thought to be dangerous, but in reality are not threatening to survival in any way. [ citation needed ] Pada kenyataannya fobia kebanyakan tidak rasional, dalam arti bahwa mereka dianggap berbahaya, namun pada kenyataannya tidak mengancam kelangsungan hidup dengan cara apapun. [ rujukan? ]
Some phobias are generated from the observation of a parent's or sibling's reaction. Beberapa fobia dihasilkan dari pengamatan orang tua atau reaksi sibling's. The observer then can take in the information and generate a fear of whatever they experienced. [ citation needed ] pengamat kemudian dapat mengambil informasi dan menghasilkan rasa takut terhadap apa pun yang mereka alami. [ rujukan? ]
Contents Isi
* 1 Causes 1 Penyebab
o 1.1 The anatomical side of phobias 1.1 Sisi anatomi fobia
* 2 Clinical phobias 2 Klinis fobia
o 2.1 Treatments 2.1 Perawatan
* 3 Non-psychological conditions 3 Non-kondisi psikologis
* 4 Non-clinical uses of the term 4 Non-klinis penggunaan istilah
o 4.1 Terms for prejudice or discrimination 4.1 Persyaratan untuk prasangka atau diskriminasi
* 5 See also 5 Lihat juga
* 6 References 6 Referensi
* 7 External links 7 Pranala luar
[ edit ] Causes [ sunting ] Penyebab
Phobias are known as an emotional response learned because of difficult life experiences. Fobia dikenal sebagai respons emosional belajar karena pengalaman hidup sulit. Generally phobias occur when fear produced by a threatening situation is transmitted to other similar situations, while the original fear is often repressed or forgotten. Fobia umumnya terjadi ketika rasa takut dihasilkan oleh situasi yang mengancam ditransmisikan ke situasi yang serupa lainnya, sementara ketakutan asli sering ditekan atau dilupakan. The excessive, unreasoning fear of water, for example, may be based on a childhood experience of almost drowning. The, berlebihan tak beralasan takut air, misalnya, mungkin didasarkan pada pengalaman masa kecil hampir tenggelam. The individual attempts to avoid that situation in the future, a response that, while reducing anxiety in the short term, reinforces the association of the situation with the onset of anxiety. [ citation needed ] Upaya individu untuk menghindari situasi yang di masa depan, respon yang, sambil mengurangi kecemasan dalam jangka pendek, memperkuat asosiasi situasi dengan timbulnya kecemasan. [ rujukan? ]
[ edit ] The anatomical side of phobias [ sunting ] Sisi anatomi fobia
Phobias are more often than not linked to the amygdala , an area of the brain located behind the pituitary gland in the limbic system . Fobia lebih sering daripada tidak terkait dengan amigdala , area otak yang terletak di belakang kelenjar pituitary dalam sistem limbik . The amygdala may trigger secretion of hormones that affect fear and aggression . Amigdala dapat memicu sekresi dari hormon yang mempengaruhi ketakutan dan agresi . When the fear or aggression response is initiated, the amygdala may trigger the release of hormones into the body to put the human body into an "alert" state, in which they are ready to move, run, fight, etc. [ 3 ] This defensive "alert" state and response is generally referred to in psychology as the fight-or-flight response . Ketika respon takut atau agresi dimulai, amigdala dapat memicu pelepasan hormon ke dalam tubuh untuk menempatkan tubuh manusia menjadi peringatan "negara", di mana mereka siap untuk bergerak, berlari, berkelahi, dll [3] ini defensif "siaga" negara dan respon umumnya disebut dalam psikologi sebagai -atau-penerbangan respons melawan .
[ edit ] Clinical phobias [ sunting ] fobia Klinis
Psychologists and psychiatrists classify most phobias into three categories [ 4 ] [ 5 ] and, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition ( DSM-IV ), such phobias are considered to be sub-types of anxiety disorder . Psikolog dan psikiater mengklasifikasikan fobia yang paling menjadi tiga kategori [4] [5] dan, menurut Diagnostik dan Statistik Manual of Mental Disorders, Edisi Keempat ( DSM-IV ), phobia tersebut dianggap sub-jenis gangguan kecemasan . The three categories are: Ketiga kategori tersebut adalah:
* Social phobia - fears involving other people or social situations such as performance anxiety or fears of embarrassment by scrutiny of others, such as eating in public. Sosial fobia - ketakutan yang melibatkan orang lain atau situasi sosial seperti kecemasan kinerja atau kekhawatiran malu dengan pengawasan orang lain, seperti makan di depan umum. Overcoming social phobia is often very difficult without the help of therapy or support groups. Mengatasi fobia sosial sering sangat sulit tanpa bantuan kelompok terapi atau dukungan. Social phobia may be further subdivided into Fobia sosial dapat dibagi lagi menjadi
o generalized social phobia (also known as social anxiety disorder or simply social anxiety ) and fobia sosial umum (juga dikenal sebagai gangguan kecemasan sosial atau hanya kecemasan sosial ) dan
o specific social phobia , in which anxiety is triggered only in specific situations. [ 6 ] The symptoms may extend to psychosomatic manifestation of physical problems. fobia sosial tertentu , di mana kecemasan dipicu hanya dalam situasi tertentu. [6] Gejala-gejala dapat diperluas ke manifestasi psikosomatik masalah fisik. For example, sufferers of paruresis find it difficult or impossible to urinate in reduced levels of privacy. Misalnya, penderita paruresis sulit atau tidak mungkin untuk buang air kecil dalam penurunan tingkat privasi. This goes far beyond mere preference: when the condition triggers, the person physically cannot empty their bladder. Ini jauh melampaui preferensi belaka: ketika kondisi pemicu, orang tersebut secara fisik tidak bisa mengosongkan kandung kemih mereka.
* Specific phobias - fear of a single specific panic trigger such as spiders , snakes , dogs , water , heights , flying, catching a specific illness, etc. Many people have these fears but to a lesser degree than those who suffer from specific phobias. Khusus fobia - takut satu tertentu memicu panik seperti laba-laba , ular , anjing , air , ketinggian , terbang, menangkap penyakit tertentu, dll Banyak orang ketakutan ini melainkan untuk tingkat yang lebih rendah daripada mereka yang menderita fobia spesifik. People with the phobias specifically avoid the entity they fear. Orang dengan fobia khusus menghindari entitas mereka takuti.
* Agoraphobia - a generalized fear of leaving home or a small familiar 'safe' area, and of possible panic attacks that might follow. Agoraphobia - takut meninggalkan rumah umum atau akrab kecil 'aman' area, dan kemungkinan serangan panik yang mungkin mengikuti. May also be caused by various specific phobias such as fear of open spaces, social embarrassment (social agoraphobia), fear of contamination (fear of germs, possibly complicated by obsessive-compulsive disorder ) or PTSD ( post traumatic stress disorder ) related to a trauma that occurred out of doors. Mungkin juga disebabkan oleh berbagai fobia spesifik seperti takut ruang terbuka, malu sosial (agoraphobia sosial), ketakutan kontaminasi (takut kuman, mungkin rumit oleh -kompulsif obsesif ) atau PTSD ( post traumatic stress disorder ) yang berhubungan dengan trauma yang terjadi di luar pintu.
Phobias vary in severity among individuals. Fobia berbeda dalam keparahan antara individu. Some individuals can simply avoid the subject of their fear and suffer relatively mild anxiety over that fear. Beberapa individu hanya dapat menghindari subjek ketakutan mereka dan menderita kecemasan yang relatif ringan atas ketakutan itu. Others suffer full-fledged panic attacks with all the associated disabling symptoms. Lainnya menderita serangan panik penuh dengan semua gejala menonaktifkan terkait. Most individuals understand that they are suffering from an irrational fear, but they are powerless to override their initial panic reaction. Kebanyakan individu memahami bahwa mereka menderita ketakutan irasional, tetapi mereka tidak berdaya untuk menimpa reaksi panik awal mereka.
[ edit ] Treatments [ sunting ] Pengobatan
Various methods are claimed to treat phobias. Berbagai metode yang diklaim untuk mengobati fobia. Their proposed benefits may vary from person to person. manfaat yang diusulkan mereka mungkin berbeda dari orang ke orang.
Some therapists use virtual reality or imagery exercise to desensitize patients to the feared entity. Beberapa terapis menggunakan virtual reality atau latihan citra untuk menurunkan rasa mudah terpengaruh pasien bagi entitas takut. These are parts of systematic desensitization therapy. Ini adalah bagian dari desensitisasi sistematis terapi.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be beneficial. Terapi perilaku kognitif (CBT) dapat bermanfaat. Cognitive behavioral therapy lets the patient understand the cycle of negative thought patterns, and ways to change these thought patterns. Terapi perilaku kognitif memungkinkan pasien memahami siklus pola pikiran negatif, dan cara untuk mengubah pola pikir. CBT may be conducted in a group setting. CBT dapat dilakukan dalam pengaturan kelompok. Gradual desensitisation treatment and CBT are often successful, provided the patient is willing to endure some discomfort. [ 7 ] [ 8 ] In one clinical trial, 90% of patients were observed with no longer having a phobic reaction after successful CBT treatment. [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ] Desensitisasi bertahap pengobatan dan CBT sering berhasil, asalkan pasien bersedia untuk bertahan beberapa ketidaknyamanan. [7] [8] Dalam satu percobaan klinis, 90% dari pasien yang diamati dengan tidak lagi memiliki reaksi fobia setelah perawatan CBT sukses. [8 ] [9] [10] [11]
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) has been demonstrated in peer-reviewed clinical trials to be effective in treating some phobias. Gerakan mata Desensitisasi dan pengolahan (EMDR) telah dibuktikan dalam peer-review uji klinis untuk menjadi efektif dalam mengobati beberapa fobia. Mainly used to treat Post-traumatic stress disorder , EMDR has been demonstrated as effective in easing phobia symptoms following a specific trauma, such as a fear of dogs following a dog bite. [ 12 ] Terutama digunakan untuk mengobati traumatik stress disorder-Post , EMDR telah dibuktikan sebagai efektif dalam mengurangi gejala fobia mengikuti trauma spesifik, seperti takut anjing setelah gigitan anjing. [12]
Hypnotherapy coupled with Neuro-linguistic programming can also be used to help remove the associations that trigger a phobic reaction. Hipnoterapi ditambah dengan program Neuro-linguistik juga dapat digunakan untuk membantu menghilangkan asosiasi yang memicu reaksi fobia. However, lack of research and scientific testing compromises its status as an effective treatment. Namun, kurangnya penelitian dan pengujian ilmiah kompromi statusnya sebagai pengobatan yang efektif.
Antidepressant medications such SSRIs , MAOIs may be helpful in some cases of phobia. Benzodiazepines may be useful in acute treatment of severe symptoms but the risk benefit ratio is against their long-term use in phobic disorders. [ 13 ] obat antidepresan seperti SSRI , MAOIs mungkin dapat membantu dalam beberapa kasus fobia. Benzodiazepines mungkin berguna dalam perawatan akut gejala berat tetapi rasio risiko terhadap manfaat jangka panjang mereka gunakan dalam gangguan fobia. [13]
Emotional Freedom Technique , a psychotherapeutic alternative medicine tool, also considered to be pseudoscience by the mainstream medicine, is allegedly useful. Emotional Freedom Technique , suatu psikoterapi pengobatan alternatif alat, juga dianggap pseudoscience oleh obat utama, diduga berguna.
These treatment options are not mutually exclusive. Opsi ini pengobatan tidak saling eksklusif. Often a therapist will suggest multiple treatments. Seringkali terapis akan menyarankan beberapa perawatan.
[ edit ] Non-psychological conditions [ sunting ]-psikologis kondisi Non
The word "phobia" may also signify conditions other than fear. Kata "fobia" juga dapat menandakan kondisi selain rasa takut. For example, although the term hydrophobia means a fear of water, it may also mean inability to drink water due to an illness, or may be used to describe a chemical compound which repels water. Sebagai contoh, meskipun istilah penyakit anjing gila berarti takut air, bisa juga berarti ketidakmampuan untuk minum air karena sakit, atau dapat digunakan untuk menggambarkan suatu senyawa kimia yang repels air. It was also once used as a synonym for rabies , as an aversion to water is one of its symptoms. Hal ini juga pernah digunakan sebagai sinonim untuk rabies , sebagai keengganan untuk air adalah salah satu gejalanya. Likewise, the term photophobia may be used to define a physical complaint (ie aversion to light due to inflamed eyes or excessively dilated pupils) and does not necessarily indicate a fear of light. Demikian juga, istilah fotofobia dapat digunakan untuk menentukan keluhan fisik (keengganan yaitu untuk cahaya karena mata meradang atau diperbesar murid berlebihan) dan tidak selalu menunjukkan rasa takut cahaya.
[ edit ] Non-clinical uses of the term [ sunting ]-klinis menggunakan Non istilah
Main article: List of phobias Artikel utama: Daftar fobia
It is possible for an individual to develop a phobia over virtually anything. Adalah mungkin bagi seorang individu untuk mengembangkan fobia atas apa pun. The name of a phobia generally contains a Greek word for what the patient fears plus the suffix -phobia . Nama fobia umumnya berisi kata Yunani untuk apa ketakutan pasien ditambah akhiran -fobia . Creating these terms is something of a word game . Membuat istilah-istilah ini adalah sesuatu dari sebuah permainan kata . Few of these terms are found in medical literature. Beberapa istilah ini ditemukan dalam literatur medis. However, this does not necessarily make it a non-psychological condition. Namun, hal ini tidak selalu membuat non-kondisi psikologis.
[ edit ] Terms for prejudice or discrimination [ sunting ] Syarat untuk prasangka atau diskriminasi
See also: List of anti-ethnic and anti-national terms Lihat juga: Daftar-etnis dan anti-nasional istilah anti
A number of terms with the suffix -phobia are primarily understood as negative attitudes towards certain categories of people or other things, used in an analogy with the medical usage of the term. Sejumlah istilah dengan akhiran fobia- terutama dipahami sebagai negatif sikap terhadap kategori tertentu dari orang atau hal lain, digunakan dalam sebuah analogi dengan penggunaan istilah medis. Usually these kinds of "phobias" are described as fear, dislike, disapproval, prejudice , hatred , discrimination , or hostility towards the object of the "phobia". Biasanya ini jenis "phobia" digambarkan sebagai ketakutan, tidak suka, penolakan, prasangka , kebencian , diskriminasi , atau permusuhan terhadap objek dari "phobia". Often this attitude is based on prejudices and is a particular case of general xenophobia . Seringkali sikap ini didasarkan pada prasangka dan merupakan kasus umum xenophobia .
Class discrimination is not a phobia in the clinical sense. Kelas diskriminasi bukan fobia dalam arti klinis. Unlike clinical phobias, which are usually qualified with disabling fear, class discrimination usually has roots in social relations. Tidak seperti fobia klinis, yang biasanya berkualitas dengan menonaktifkan takut, diskriminasi kelas biasanya memiliki akar dalam hubungan sosial. Below are some examples: Berikut adalah beberapa contoh:
* Chemophobia - prejudice against artificial substances in favour of "natural" substances. Chemophobia - prasangka terhadap zat buatan mendukung "alami" zat.
* Ephebiphobia - fear or dislike of youth or adolescents . Ephebiphobia - takut atau tidak suka dari pemuda atau remaja .
* Christophobia - Fear of Christianity Christophobia - Takut Kristen
* Homophobia - fear or dislike of homosexuals or homosexuality. Homofobia - takut atau tidak suka kaum homoseksual atau homoseksualitas.
* Xenophobia - fear or dislike of strangers or the unknown, sometimes used to describe nationalistic political beliefs and movements. Xenophobia - takut atau tidak suka orang asing atau tidak diketahui, kadang-kadang digunakan untuk menggambarkan keyakinan politik nasionalis dan gerakan. It is also used in fictional work to describe the fear or dislike of space aliens. Hal ini juga digunakan dalam karya fiksi untuk menggambarkan rasa takut atau tidak suka dari alien ruang.
This is caused by what are called, neutral, unconditioned, and conditioned stimuli, which trigger either conditioned or unconditioned responses. Hal ini disebabkan oleh apa yang disebut, stimulus netral, tidak berkondisi, dan dikondisikan, yang memicu berkondisi baik AC atau tanggapan. An example would be a person who was attacked by a dog (the unconditioned stimulus) would respond with an unconditioned response. Sebuah contoh akan menjadi orang yang diserang oleh anjing (stimulus berkondisi) akan merespon dengan respon bersyarat. When this happens, the unconditioned stimulus of them being attacked by the dog would become conditioned, and to this now conditioned stimulus, they would develop a conditioned response. Ketika ini terjadi, stimulus berkondisi dari mereka diserang oleh anjing akan menjadi AC, dan sekarang ini stimulus dikondisikan, mereka akan mengembangkan respon terkondisi. If the occurrence had enough of an impact on this certain person then they would develop a fear of that dog, or in some cases, an irrational fear of all dogs. [ citation needed ] Jika kejadian itu cukup berdampak pada orang tertentu maka mereka akan mengembangkan takut anjing itu, atau dalam beberapa kasus, ketakutan irasional dari semua anjing [. rujukan? ]
Phobias are a common form of anxiety disorders . Fobia adalah bentuk umum dari gangguan kecemasan . An American study by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) found that between 8.7% and 18.1% of Americans suffer from phobias. [ 2 ] Broken down by age and gender, the study found that phobias were the most common mental illness among women in all age groups and the second most common illness among men older than 25. Seorang Amerika studi oleh Institut Kesehatan Mental Nasional (NIMH) menemukan bahwa antara 8,7% dan 18,1% orang Amerika menderita fobia. [2] Broken bawah umur dan jenis kelamin, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa fobia adalah yang paling umum penyakit mental di kalangan wanita di semua kelompok usia dan penyakit yang paling umum kedua di antara pria yang lebih tua dari 25.
Phobias are not generally diagnosed if they are not particularly distressing to the patient and if they are not frequently encountered. Fobia umumnya tidak didiagnosis jika mereka tidak terlalu menyedihkan kepada pasien dan jika mereka tidak sering dijumpai. If a phobia is defined as "impairing to the individual", then it will be treated after being measured in context by the degree of severity. Jika fobia didefinisikan sebagai "merusak kepada individu", maka akan diperlakukan setelah diukur dalam konteks oleh derajat keparahan. A large percent of the American population is afraid of public speaking, which could range from mild uncomfortability, to an intense anxiety that inhibits all social involvement. [ citation needed ] Sebuah persen besar penduduk Amerika takut berbicara di depan umum, yang dapat berkisar dari ketidaknyamanan ringan, untuk suatu kecemasan yang intens yang menghambat semua keterlibatan sosial. [ rujukan? ]
Phobias are generally caused by an event recorded by the amygdala and hippocampus and labeled as deadly or dangerous; thus whenever a specific situation is approached again the body reacts as if the event were happening repeatedly afterward. Fobia umumnya disebabkan oleh suatu peristiwa yang dicatat oleh amigdala dan hipokampus dan dicap sebagai mematikan atau berbahaya, sehingga setiap kali situasi spesifik didekati lagi tubuh bereaksi seolah-olah peristiwa itu terjadi berulang kali setelahnya. Treatment comes in some way or another as a replacing of the memory and reaction to the previous event perceived as deadly with something more realistic and based more rationally. Pengobatan datang dalam beberapa cara atau lain sebagai mengganti memori dan reaksi terhadap acara sebelumnya dianggap sebagai mematikan dengan sesuatu yang lebih realistis dan lebih didasarkan rasional. In reality most phobias are irrational, in the sense that they are thought to be dangerous, but in reality are not threatening to survival in any way. [ citation needed ] Pada kenyataannya fobia kebanyakan tidak rasional, dalam arti bahwa mereka dianggap berbahaya, namun pada kenyataannya tidak mengancam kelangsungan hidup dengan cara apapun. [ rujukan? ]
Some phobias are generated from the observation of a parent's or sibling's reaction. Beberapa fobia dihasilkan dari pengamatan orang tua atau reaksi sibling's. The observer then can take in the information and generate a fear of whatever they experienced. [ citation needed ] pengamat kemudian dapat mengambil informasi dan menghasilkan rasa takut terhadap apa pun yang mereka alami. [ rujukan? ]
Contents Isi
* 1 Causes 1 Penyebab
o 1.1 The anatomical side of phobias 1.1 Sisi anatomi fobia
* 2 Clinical phobias 2 Klinis fobia
o 2.1 Treatments 2.1 Perawatan
* 3 Non-psychological conditions 3 Non-kondisi psikologis
* 4 Non-clinical uses of the term 4 Non-klinis penggunaan istilah
o 4.1 Terms for prejudice or discrimination 4.1 Persyaratan untuk prasangka atau diskriminasi
* 5 See also 5 Lihat juga
* 6 References 6 Referensi
* 7 External links 7 Pranala luar
[ edit ] Causes [ sunting ] Penyebab
Phobias are known as an emotional response learned because of difficult life experiences. Fobia dikenal sebagai respons emosional belajar karena pengalaman hidup sulit. Generally phobias occur when fear produced by a threatening situation is transmitted to other similar situations, while the original fear is often repressed or forgotten. Fobia umumnya terjadi ketika rasa takut dihasilkan oleh situasi yang mengancam ditransmisikan ke situasi yang serupa lainnya, sementara ketakutan asli sering ditekan atau dilupakan. The excessive, unreasoning fear of water, for example, may be based on a childhood experience of almost drowning. The, berlebihan tak beralasan takut air, misalnya, mungkin didasarkan pada pengalaman masa kecil hampir tenggelam. The individual attempts to avoid that situation in the future, a response that, while reducing anxiety in the short term, reinforces the association of the situation with the onset of anxiety. [ citation needed ] Upaya individu untuk menghindari situasi yang di masa depan, respon yang, sambil mengurangi kecemasan dalam jangka pendek, memperkuat asosiasi situasi dengan timbulnya kecemasan. [ rujukan? ]
[ edit ] The anatomical side of phobias [ sunting ] Sisi anatomi fobia
Phobias are more often than not linked to the amygdala , an area of the brain located behind the pituitary gland in the limbic system . Fobia lebih sering daripada tidak terkait dengan amigdala , area otak yang terletak di belakang kelenjar pituitary dalam sistem limbik . The amygdala may trigger secretion of hormones that affect fear and aggression . Amigdala dapat memicu sekresi dari hormon yang mempengaruhi ketakutan dan agresi . When the fear or aggression response is initiated, the amygdala may trigger the release of hormones into the body to put the human body into an "alert" state, in which they are ready to move, run, fight, etc. [ 3 ] This defensive "alert" state and response is generally referred to in psychology as the fight-or-flight response . Ketika respon takut atau agresi dimulai, amigdala dapat memicu pelepasan hormon ke dalam tubuh untuk menempatkan tubuh manusia menjadi peringatan "negara", di mana mereka siap untuk bergerak, berlari, berkelahi, dll [3] ini defensif "siaga" negara dan respon umumnya disebut dalam psikologi sebagai -atau-penerbangan respons melawan .
[ edit ] Clinical phobias [ sunting ] fobia Klinis
Psychologists and psychiatrists classify most phobias into three categories [ 4 ] [ 5 ] and, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition ( DSM-IV ), such phobias are considered to be sub-types of anxiety disorder . Psikolog dan psikiater mengklasifikasikan fobia yang paling menjadi tiga kategori [4] [5] dan, menurut Diagnostik dan Statistik Manual of Mental Disorders, Edisi Keempat ( DSM-IV ), phobia tersebut dianggap sub-jenis gangguan kecemasan . The three categories are: Ketiga kategori tersebut adalah:
* Social phobia - fears involving other people or social situations such as performance anxiety or fears of embarrassment by scrutiny of others, such as eating in public. Sosial fobia - ketakutan yang melibatkan orang lain atau situasi sosial seperti kecemasan kinerja atau kekhawatiran malu dengan pengawasan orang lain, seperti makan di depan umum. Overcoming social phobia is often very difficult without the help of therapy or support groups. Mengatasi fobia sosial sering sangat sulit tanpa bantuan kelompok terapi atau dukungan. Social phobia may be further subdivided into Fobia sosial dapat dibagi lagi menjadi
o generalized social phobia (also known as social anxiety disorder or simply social anxiety ) and fobia sosial umum (juga dikenal sebagai gangguan kecemasan sosial atau hanya kecemasan sosial ) dan
o specific social phobia , in which anxiety is triggered only in specific situations. [ 6 ] The symptoms may extend to psychosomatic manifestation of physical problems. fobia sosial tertentu , di mana kecemasan dipicu hanya dalam situasi tertentu. [6] Gejala-gejala dapat diperluas ke manifestasi psikosomatik masalah fisik. For example, sufferers of paruresis find it difficult or impossible to urinate in reduced levels of privacy. Misalnya, penderita paruresis sulit atau tidak mungkin untuk buang air kecil dalam penurunan tingkat privasi. This goes far beyond mere preference: when the condition triggers, the person physically cannot empty their bladder. Ini jauh melampaui preferensi belaka: ketika kondisi pemicu, orang tersebut secara fisik tidak bisa mengosongkan kandung kemih mereka.
* Specific phobias - fear of a single specific panic trigger such as spiders , snakes , dogs , water , heights , flying, catching a specific illness, etc. Many people have these fears but to a lesser degree than those who suffer from specific phobias. Khusus fobia - takut satu tertentu memicu panik seperti laba-laba , ular , anjing , air , ketinggian , terbang, menangkap penyakit tertentu, dll Banyak orang ketakutan ini melainkan untuk tingkat yang lebih rendah daripada mereka yang menderita fobia spesifik. People with the phobias specifically avoid the entity they fear. Orang dengan fobia khusus menghindari entitas mereka takuti.
* Agoraphobia - a generalized fear of leaving home or a small familiar 'safe' area, and of possible panic attacks that might follow. Agoraphobia - takut meninggalkan rumah umum atau akrab kecil 'aman' area, dan kemungkinan serangan panik yang mungkin mengikuti. May also be caused by various specific phobias such as fear of open spaces, social embarrassment (social agoraphobia), fear of contamination (fear of germs, possibly complicated by obsessive-compulsive disorder ) or PTSD ( post traumatic stress disorder ) related to a trauma that occurred out of doors. Mungkin juga disebabkan oleh berbagai fobia spesifik seperti takut ruang terbuka, malu sosial (agoraphobia sosial), ketakutan kontaminasi (takut kuman, mungkin rumit oleh -kompulsif obsesif ) atau PTSD ( post traumatic stress disorder ) yang berhubungan dengan trauma yang terjadi di luar pintu.
Phobias vary in severity among individuals. Fobia berbeda dalam keparahan antara individu. Some individuals can simply avoid the subject of their fear and suffer relatively mild anxiety over that fear. Beberapa individu hanya dapat menghindari subjek ketakutan mereka dan menderita kecemasan yang relatif ringan atas ketakutan itu. Others suffer full-fledged panic attacks with all the associated disabling symptoms. Lainnya menderita serangan panik penuh dengan semua gejala menonaktifkan terkait. Most individuals understand that they are suffering from an irrational fear, but they are powerless to override their initial panic reaction. Kebanyakan individu memahami bahwa mereka menderita ketakutan irasional, tetapi mereka tidak berdaya untuk menimpa reaksi panik awal mereka.
[ edit ] Treatments [ sunting ] Pengobatan
Various methods are claimed to treat phobias. Berbagai metode yang diklaim untuk mengobati fobia. Their proposed benefits may vary from person to person. manfaat yang diusulkan mereka mungkin berbeda dari orang ke orang.
Some therapists use virtual reality or imagery exercise to desensitize patients to the feared entity. Beberapa terapis menggunakan virtual reality atau latihan citra untuk menurunkan rasa mudah terpengaruh pasien bagi entitas takut. These are parts of systematic desensitization therapy. Ini adalah bagian dari desensitisasi sistematis terapi.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be beneficial. Terapi perilaku kognitif (CBT) dapat bermanfaat. Cognitive behavioral therapy lets the patient understand the cycle of negative thought patterns, and ways to change these thought patterns. Terapi perilaku kognitif memungkinkan pasien memahami siklus pola pikiran negatif, dan cara untuk mengubah pola pikir. CBT may be conducted in a group setting. CBT dapat dilakukan dalam pengaturan kelompok. Gradual desensitisation treatment and CBT are often successful, provided the patient is willing to endure some discomfort. [ 7 ] [ 8 ] In one clinical trial, 90% of patients were observed with no longer having a phobic reaction after successful CBT treatment. [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ] Desensitisasi bertahap pengobatan dan CBT sering berhasil, asalkan pasien bersedia untuk bertahan beberapa ketidaknyamanan. [7] [8] Dalam satu percobaan klinis, 90% dari pasien yang diamati dengan tidak lagi memiliki reaksi fobia setelah perawatan CBT sukses. [8 ] [9] [10] [11]
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) has been demonstrated in peer-reviewed clinical trials to be effective in treating some phobias. Gerakan mata Desensitisasi dan pengolahan (EMDR) telah dibuktikan dalam peer-review uji klinis untuk menjadi efektif dalam mengobati beberapa fobia. Mainly used to treat Post-traumatic stress disorder , EMDR has been demonstrated as effective in easing phobia symptoms following a specific trauma, such as a fear of dogs following a dog bite. [ 12 ] Terutama digunakan untuk mengobati traumatik stress disorder-Post , EMDR telah dibuktikan sebagai efektif dalam mengurangi gejala fobia mengikuti trauma spesifik, seperti takut anjing setelah gigitan anjing. [12]
Hypnotherapy coupled with Neuro-linguistic programming can also be used to help remove the associations that trigger a phobic reaction. Hipnoterapi ditambah dengan program Neuro-linguistik juga dapat digunakan untuk membantu menghilangkan asosiasi yang memicu reaksi fobia. However, lack of research and scientific testing compromises its status as an effective treatment. Namun, kurangnya penelitian dan pengujian ilmiah kompromi statusnya sebagai pengobatan yang efektif.
Antidepressant medications such SSRIs , MAOIs may be helpful in some cases of phobia. Benzodiazepines may be useful in acute treatment of severe symptoms but the risk benefit ratio is against their long-term use in phobic disorders. [ 13 ] obat antidepresan seperti SSRI , MAOIs mungkin dapat membantu dalam beberapa kasus fobia. Benzodiazepines mungkin berguna dalam perawatan akut gejala berat tetapi rasio risiko terhadap manfaat jangka panjang mereka gunakan dalam gangguan fobia. [13]
Emotional Freedom Technique , a psychotherapeutic alternative medicine tool, also considered to be pseudoscience by the mainstream medicine, is allegedly useful. Emotional Freedom Technique , suatu psikoterapi pengobatan alternatif alat, juga dianggap pseudoscience oleh obat utama, diduga berguna.
These treatment options are not mutually exclusive. Opsi ini pengobatan tidak saling eksklusif. Often a therapist will suggest multiple treatments. Seringkali terapis akan menyarankan beberapa perawatan.
[ edit ] Non-psychological conditions [ sunting ]-psikologis kondisi Non
The word "phobia" may also signify conditions other than fear. Kata "fobia" juga dapat menandakan kondisi selain rasa takut. For example, although the term hydrophobia means a fear of water, it may also mean inability to drink water due to an illness, or may be used to describe a chemical compound which repels water. Sebagai contoh, meskipun istilah penyakit anjing gila berarti takut air, bisa juga berarti ketidakmampuan untuk minum air karena sakit, atau dapat digunakan untuk menggambarkan suatu senyawa kimia yang repels air. It was also once used as a synonym for rabies , as an aversion to water is one of its symptoms. Hal ini juga pernah digunakan sebagai sinonim untuk rabies , sebagai keengganan untuk air adalah salah satu gejalanya. Likewise, the term photophobia may be used to define a physical complaint (ie aversion to light due to inflamed eyes or excessively dilated pupils) and does not necessarily indicate a fear of light. Demikian juga, istilah fotofobia dapat digunakan untuk menentukan keluhan fisik (keengganan yaitu untuk cahaya karena mata meradang atau diperbesar murid berlebihan) dan tidak selalu menunjukkan rasa takut cahaya.
[ edit ] Non-clinical uses of the term [ sunting ]-klinis menggunakan Non istilah
Main article: List of phobias Artikel utama: Daftar fobia
It is possible for an individual to develop a phobia over virtually anything. Adalah mungkin bagi seorang individu untuk mengembangkan fobia atas apa pun. The name of a phobia generally contains a Greek word for what the patient fears plus the suffix -phobia . Nama fobia umumnya berisi kata Yunani untuk apa ketakutan pasien ditambah akhiran -fobia . Creating these terms is something of a word game . Membuat istilah-istilah ini adalah sesuatu dari sebuah permainan kata . Few of these terms are found in medical literature. Beberapa istilah ini ditemukan dalam literatur medis. However, this does not necessarily make it a non-psychological condition. Namun, hal ini tidak selalu membuat non-kondisi psikologis.
[ edit ] Terms for prejudice or discrimination [ sunting ] Syarat untuk prasangka atau diskriminasi
See also: List of anti-ethnic and anti-national terms Lihat juga: Daftar-etnis dan anti-nasional istilah anti
A number of terms with the suffix -phobia are primarily understood as negative attitudes towards certain categories of people or other things, used in an analogy with the medical usage of the term. Sejumlah istilah dengan akhiran fobia- terutama dipahami sebagai negatif sikap terhadap kategori tertentu dari orang atau hal lain, digunakan dalam sebuah analogi dengan penggunaan istilah medis. Usually these kinds of "phobias" are described as fear, dislike, disapproval, prejudice , hatred , discrimination , or hostility towards the object of the "phobia". Biasanya ini jenis "phobia" digambarkan sebagai ketakutan, tidak suka, penolakan, prasangka , kebencian , diskriminasi , atau permusuhan terhadap objek dari "phobia". Often this attitude is based on prejudices and is a particular case of general xenophobia . Seringkali sikap ini didasarkan pada prasangka dan merupakan kasus umum xenophobia .
Class discrimination is not a phobia in the clinical sense. Kelas diskriminasi bukan fobia dalam arti klinis. Unlike clinical phobias, which are usually qualified with disabling fear, class discrimination usually has roots in social relations. Tidak seperti fobia klinis, yang biasanya berkualitas dengan menonaktifkan takut, diskriminasi kelas biasanya memiliki akar dalam hubungan sosial. Below are some examples: Berikut adalah beberapa contoh:
* Chemophobia - prejudice against artificial substances in favour of "natural" substances. Chemophobia - prasangka terhadap zat buatan mendukung "alami" zat.
* Ephebiphobia - fear or dislike of youth or adolescents . Ephebiphobia - takut atau tidak suka dari pemuda atau remaja .
* Christophobia - Fear of Christianity Christophobia - Takut Kristen
* Homophobia - fear or dislike of homosexuals or homosexuality. Homofobia - takut atau tidak suka kaum homoseksual atau homoseksualitas.
* Xenophobia - fear or dislike of strangers or the unknown, sometimes used to describe nationalistic political beliefs and movements. Xenophobia - takut atau tidak suka orang asing atau tidak diketahui, kadang-kadang digunakan untuk menggambarkan keyakinan politik nasionalis dan gerakan. It is also used in fictional work to describe the fear or dislike of space aliens. Hal ini juga digunakan dalam karya fiksi untuk menggambarkan rasa takut atau tidak suka dari alien ruang.
Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010
crawling - LP
Crawling in my skin
These wounds, they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real
There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
Consuming, confusing
This lack of self control I fear is never ending
I can't seem
To find myself again
My walls are closing in
(Without a sense of confidence I’m convinced that there’s just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before
So insecure
Discomfort, endlessly has pulled itself upon me
Distracting, reacting
Against my will I stand beside my own reflection
It's haunting how I can't seem...
To find myself again
My walls are closing in
(Without a sense of confidence I’m convinced that there’s just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before
So insecure
Chorus (Repeat until end)
There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
Consuming, confusing
This lack of self control I fear is never ending
Controlling (Whispered during chorus)
These wounds, they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real
There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
Consuming, confusing
This lack of self control I fear is never ending
I can't seem
To find myself again
My walls are closing in
(Without a sense of confidence I’m convinced that there’s just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before
So insecure
Discomfort, endlessly has pulled itself upon me
Distracting, reacting
Against my will I stand beside my own reflection
It's haunting how I can't seem...
To find myself again
My walls are closing in
(Without a sense of confidence I’m convinced that there’s just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before
So insecure
Chorus (Repeat until end)
There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
Consuming, confusing
This lack of self control I fear is never ending
Controlling (Whispered during chorus)
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